Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hello gang, I'm back again and I bring more art for you to stare at for a bit. Today I bring you a commonly found forest resident, the fox. She was a much more detailed creation that I made, even if the original creator didn't make them too detailed. So here I present to you Vikkie.

I enjoyed making this a lot, thanks for putting in for the Request!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A practice for friends

This request was an interesting one to say the least. While it took some time to get the positions of the limbs and body as well as their proportions I found myself looking up tutorials as well as trying to make said tutorials fit into my particular style of drawing (which I think I managed to do).  Anyway, today we have anonymous anthro girl having her behind smacked.

And there we have it. I can say all the things I think are wrong/off right now: Starting with the spanking hand of course, following that is the shoulder blades something I've been told needs to be worked on, location of the waist because it's been too high in most of my pics involving the ladies, hands....hands hands hands hands haaaaaands...and to finish off, I think the ass might be slightly off, butt (see what I did there) I'm not sure.

Enjoy in any event of course.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two of a kind

Not really, you would be surprised to hear me say these two ladies are not twins, they are, in fact, mother and daughter. How? I don't know, but they are. Round of applause for Reaper and Jess.

I had fun drawing these two...and I lost a black pencil in the process. That pencil fought a good battle...If you'll excuse me. (Also horrible chain mail detail just horrible..)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Possessive Felines

Welcome back to my productions. Today I bring you a piece requested by someone I haven't talked to in a loooong time who goes by the name Narcy or for RP, Spade.

Here we have Snow and Nekuila (if you didn't know already, you'll see a lot of them) clinging onto Spade. for a sketch, this was possibly one of the harder ones I've done, especially Nekuila's one visible breast, while at the same time the height differences among the three. In the long run I enjoyed it, and I even got to use my polymer eraser for this one!

...Anyhow. There ya have it. Give a hand to our two felines and the guest of honor, Spade.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Future Portrait

So I just finished another request and I gotta say, I am really honored I was chosen to do this.

I only wish I could have given more thought or had more info so I could make this a more meaningful post. Alas, all I can say is. I'm glad I was given the ability to draw this for you requester and I do hope that your lover likes it. ....And I apologize for my atrocious handwriting...

Just for the sake of privacy, I will keep the requester's and the lover's names anonymous.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Kicking things off here with a picture of 'Ahnn' created and owned by Denami on deviantart. shortly after having done my rant about being an equal opportunist to trolls. Needless to say I enjoyed drawing this, I'm not usually the best pose artist but I suppose things are working out for me in the long run. Maybe I'll be able to make my own web comic someday. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcome to Section C of the Heart Breaker Productions. You're probably tired of reading these but now, but I don't like my stuff to look so blank, at least before I start posting butt loads of art.

Section C hosts Art done for others, whether it be by Commission, Request or Art Trade (And collaborated efforts, assuming I'm left with the latter job otherwise it's going to Section B).

Hope you enjoy yourself here.