Friday, November 18, 2011

Request 0007

Here we go again, fourth pic today...I think. I can't remember and I'm not even keeping count. But here's yet another request lol.

This one is of Trish, a chocolate girl. Mmmm....chocolate~....

Request 0006

Me again, here with more request pictures...whoops, I guess I could have made some more entry before that...ah well. Here's the pic.

Kinda enjoyed this one mainly because when someone puts in a tame request I have to think of how not to expose bits and places. Always fun. I also like that this was sort of a domino effect request meaning someone found out about me through another person which means my goals are slowly being reached as a commission artist.

Request 0005

Hey gang, had a field day yesterday drawing the whole time (only got three requests done but you know what it was worth it). Unlike my previous list of requests which got some 50 plus requests in that overwhelmed me, I have a much more controlled and organized requesting system now that limits what you can and can't get. without being so confined that you can't find something you like. Anyway. Did this pic for a user on FA I think it came out quite nicely.

First time in a little while that i've drawn a hyena, and on top of that, this one is male and in the mafia...and wears a motherfuckin' fedora, *cue cool shades* Fuck yea. Pinstripe suits.